Boost pupil confidence in times tables

With over 30 interactive games for KS1-3 pupils to play in-class or at-home, Sumdog makes learning times tables fun!
Thanks to our Tables challenges, heatmap & MTC tool, you can help pupils develop fluency & measure their progress as they play their new favourite Sumdog game. 
Try our times tables tools

Try Sumdog Premium today!

Screenshot of times tables challenge - stepping stones]

Over 30 fun games

Your pupils can practise their maths and build fluency as they play Sumdog. There are over 30 adaptive learning games to choose from, so there's something for everyone! And with virtual rewards and a 3D avatar to personalise, children stay motivated to learn.
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Tables challenges

Sumdog's colour-coded tables heatmap helps you identify where they need some extra practice. With this information, you can set a personalised tables challenge, which pupils complete whilst playing their favourite Sumdog games.

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MTC tools

Help your pupils prepare for the official check with our MTC tool, mapped to the DfE's specifications. Pupils are rewarded for their efforts with coins to spend in their house, whilst reporting allows you to view, save and share their accuracy to inform your teaching.

Sumdog MTC Pack

Check out our free MTC pack, which inudes resources deigned to help you prepare your pupils for the Multiplication Tables Check:

  • An overview of the MTC
  • The Sumdog Pathway to Multiplication Success
  • Lesson Plans for Year 2 and Year 4
  • Downloadable times tables cards
  • And more!
Get your free pack
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Euan and Chris from Sumdog at a schools event

Interested in Sumdog Maths for your school?

If you would like to discuss Sumdog Maths pricing for your school, please get in touch with our team below. 

We can give you and your colleagues a live demo of the platform and put together the best package for you based on what you'd like to achieve. 

Get in touch


'Children who struggle to submit maths homework at the end of the week take great pleasure in competing online with their friends and completing Sumdog homework challenges in exchange for coins and rewards. I have noticed a quickening of pupils’ mental agility in mathematics and a reinforcement of basic skills like addition, subtraction and times tables.'


Lewis Mills

Teacher, Broomhill Primary School, UK