Make maths fun with Sumdog!

With an extensive collection of over 30 interactive games designed for Year 1-6 pupils, Sumdog revolutionises the way children learn maths by making it incredibly engaging and enjoyable for all!

Engage in thrilling contests, create exciting maths challenges, or simply let Sumdog be your child's personal guide on their unique learning journey. With questions tailored to their individual level, learning becomes an exciting adventure. Get ready to discover your new go-to maths app that will captivate and inspire your class to learn!


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Over 30 fun games

Pupils can practise their maths and develop their fluency whilst choosing from over 30 adaptive learning games. There's something for everyone from shooting hoops, baking cakes or showing off your dance moves!
Sumdog avatar shop

Rewarding engagement

Pupils are rewarded for accuracy, with coins earned for every correct answer and incorrect answers result in the gameplay being slowed down. Coins can be spent on their avatar, garden and house or used to gift items to friends. 

Image of child playing Sumdog game in class 1390x770

Fair for all

Sumdog allows children of varied proficiency levels to share a competitive gaming experience on a level playing field. A child with less advanced maths skills can still compete with, and beat, children who are working at a higher level.

'The children in my class have thoroughly enjoyed playing the games on Sumdog. They especially like playing against each other. They have been asking every day as soon as they come into the class if they can do Sumdog. It has been their favorite math activity this week. As a treat for doing so well in the contest the children in my class elected to play Sumdog rather than extra play! They even played Sumdog today for Friday Funtime - they love it!'


Karen Cassells

Teacher, Barsail Primary School, UK

Interested in Sumdog Maths for your school?

If you would like to discuss Sumdog Maths pricing for your school, please get in touch with our team below. 

We can give you and your colleagues a live demo of the platform and put together the best package for you based on what you'd like to achieve. 

Get in touch


Euan and Chris from Sumdog at a schools event